Stand on left leg with knee soft, stay tall. Line up with planted foot centered at #2 on board.
1. With both hands on Stix drive hands forward while at the same time shift hips backward.
2. Release left hand, drive right hand across body while shifting hips backward.
3. Switch hands, drive left hand across body while shifting hips backward.
Stand on right leg, do not lean body to the side. Starting with the right hip slightly internally rotated, body turned to the right but knee stays straight ahead.
Rotate body to the left, externally rotating from the right hip. Patient may appear to get taller through the execution of the exercise. “Feel as though you are being unscrewed from a piece of wood” Squeeze the right glute and press the Stix forward with the right hand. The Stix can help maintain balance a bit, while pressing it gives the external rotators of the right hip some resistance. (Progression: add a pull as well, then a push/pull.)
Stand on right leg only, facing the Stix. Grab left Stix at position 2.
Left Arm: Keeping the left arm straight, bring Stix away from body. Be sure to stay tall on right leg. (Activating Glute Med.) Right Arm: Keeping right arm straight, pull Stix toward the midline of board. Be sure to stay tall on right leg.
Stand on right leg only, facing the Stix. Grab left Stix at position 2.
Left Arm: Keeping the left arm straight, bring Stix away from body. Be sure to stay tall on right leg. (Activating Glute Med.) Right Arm: Keeping right arm straight, pull Stix toward the midline of board. Be sure to stay tall on right leg.
Knees bent, back rounded; allow the hips to sink back slightly rolling the ball away from the Arcs. Allow chest to relax toward/on thighs. Hold 15-30 seconds.
Standing erect right side facing the Arcs on the end of the board, hands at position 1. Right foot should be on the board and left foot off. Stix held close in front of the body.
Step up onto the board using the right leg only. At the top of the movement, balance on the right leg, using the Stix for resistance as well as assistance. At the top of the movement add left leg abduction or extension to progress.
Pitch slightly forward from hips, pull handles toward body leading elbows back and down (“into your back pockets”), core engaged, squeeze scapulae together. End in a W.